====== puu's MitsuRunner setup ===== * My slightly modified MitsuRunner software on GitHub: https://github.com/kestopuu/mitsurunner/ Notable changes to the original SW and HW: * Two additional Dallas sensors in heat exchanger pipes (used for research and as spare parts) * Current clamp sensor monitoring input power of the heat pump * Variable temperature delta threshold to start defrosting: * if (input) power < 500W, threshold = 4 * if 900W <= power < 1000W, threshold = 5 * if power >= 1000W, threshold = 6 \\ \\ ---- ===== MitsuRunner wiring ===== ==== Defrost thermistor's wires inside the outdoor unit ==== {{:1613833132673.jpg?direct&600|}} {{:1613833227097.jpg?direct&600|}} \\ \\ ==== Defrost hack wires installed ==== {{:1613833279863.jpg?direct&600|}} {{:1613833353619.jpg?direct&600|}} \\ \\ ==== MitsuRunner's AC wires and current measurement clamp ==== {{:1628058938369.jpg?direct&600|}} \\ \\ ---- ===== Sensors ===== ==== Outdoor heat exchanger sensor ==== Outdoor heat exchanger sensor (vertically installed on the lowest pipe) and two additional sensors just in case {{:1628058538905.jpg?direct&600|}} {{:1628058554351.jpg?direct&600|}} \\ \\ ==== Middle DS18B20 is used for MitsuRunner, blue arrow points to the location of the original defrost thermistor ==== {{:1628143146973.jpg?direct&600|}} \\ \\ ==== Outdoor temperature sensor ==== {{:1628059042729.jpg?direct&600|}} {{:1628083497222.jpg?direct&600|}} \\ \\ ---- ===== Enclosure ===== {{:1628058612319.jpg?direct&600|}} {{:1628058837331.jpg?direct&600|}} {{:1628059021262.jpg?direct&600|}} \\ \\ ---- ===== Other hacks ===== ==== Defrost thermistor insulated ==== {{:1628058402250.jpg?direct&600|}} \\ \\ ==== Holes drilled to avoid ice accumulating ==== {{:1628058345389.jpg?direct&600|}}