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en:instructions_sw [2023/01/29 21:54] – external edit [2025/01/09 14:00] (current) – [MitsuRunner Software Installation Guide] thingwizard
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 ====== Software installation manual ====== ====== Software installation manual ======
-MitsuRunner source code can be downloaded here: MitsuRunner source code can be downloaded here:
-English instructions are coming (hopefullysoonMeanwhile you can try to use [[fi:instructions_sw|Finnish]] version with Google translate or learn Finnish.+====== ESPHome Installation Guide (Windows) ====== 
 +Install ESPHome Development Environment on a Windows Machine 
 +  * ESPHome uses Python, so download and install if necessary from 
 +  * Open the Windows "Command Prompt" and install ESPHome by entering the command: pip3 install esphome 
 +Additional instructions can be found here: 
 +⇒ ESPHome will be installed (you can ignore any WARNINGs that may occur during installation). Now the development environment is on your machine, and you can close the "Command Prompt." 
 +Test your assembled device with the "hw_check" program: 
 +  * Save the "hw_check.yaml" file to your desired directory (e.g., Runner) 
 +  * Edit the file with your home network's WiFi parameters and OTI password 
 +  * Ensure that the pin configurations for temperature sensors and relay control match your wiring 
 +  * Connect your assembled device to your Windows machine via USB 
 +  * Open the Windows Command Prompt, navigate to the "Runner" directory (using the "cd" command and the directory path). Enter the command "esphome hw_check.yaml run" 
 +If the compilation is successful, the program will ask for the upload method (USB or OTI). Choose USB. ⇒ the code will be uploaded to the device via USB. 
 +!! If the upload fails, make sure that the USB driver for WeMos_D1 is installed on your Windows machine. 
 +After installing HW_check, check: 
 +  * The relay clicks (0.5 sec ON every 5 sec) 
 +  * The computer screen displays a log showing: 
 +    * The device is connected to your home network 
 +    * DS18B20 temperature sensor IDs - make a note of these, you will need them later - and the measured temperatures 
 +  * Also, test the OTI update by entering "esphome mitsurunner.yaml run" again, but this time select OTI as the upload method. 
 +====== ESPHome Installation Guide (Linux) ====== 
 +As a Linux user, you probably know how to find the instructions yourself on the internet ;)  
 +Instructions for installing ESPHome: 
 +Check the other instructions above. 
 +====== MitsuRunner Software Installation Guide ====== 
 +  * Download the Mitsurunner program from, select "CODE," and then "Download ZIP" 
 +    * ⇒ The packaged Mitsurunner package will be downloaded to your machine 
 +  * Extract the package to your desired directory (e.g., Runner) 
 +  * Edit the secrets.yaml file 
 +        * Define your WiFi network parameters "ssid" and "password" 
 +        * Define Manual_ip settings: 
 +          * static_ip: (the IP address your device will use to connect to your home network) 
 +          * gateway(the IP address through which your home network connects to the outside network) 
 +          * You can find your home network's Gateway IP in the Windows Command Prompt using "ipconfig" 
 +        * Define your desired OTA password 
 +  * Edit the platform.yaml file: 
 +        * Define the IDs of DS18B20 sensors (which you noted down when using the hw_check program) 
 +        * Check and, if necessary, modify the pin definitions for temperature sensors and relay control to match your wiring 
 +  * Edit the mitsurunner.yaml file by selecting what Dallas-file you want to use. 
 +        * dallas_hub.yaml fixes unnecessary resets of mitsurunner, but does not support extra Dallas-Sensors. 
 +  #  packages: 
 +     #device_base: !include dallas_basic.yaml # basic-configuration 
 +     device_base: !include dallas_hub.yaml # separate Dallas-hubs for minimize resets 
 +  * Compile and install the Mitsurunner code on your device with the command "esphome run mitsurunner.yaml" 
 +Check: A log will be printed to the Windows screen showing: 
 +  * That Mitsurunner is connected to your home network 
 +  * the temperatures of DS18B20 temperature sensors
en/instructions_sw.1675022042.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/29 21:54 by

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