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Software installation manual

The MitsuRunner source code can be downloaded here:

ESPHome Installation Guide (Windows)

Install ESPHome Development Environment on a Windows Machine

  • ESPHome uses Python, so download and install if necessary from
  • Open the Windows “Command Prompt” and install ESPHome by entering the command: pip3 install esphome

Additional instructions can be found here:

⇒ ESPHome will be installed (you can ignore any WARNINGs that may occur during installation). Now the development environment is on your machine, and you can close the “Command Prompt.”

Test your assembled device with the “hw_check” program:

  • Save the “hw_check.yaml” file to your desired directory (e.g., Runner)
  • Edit the file with your home network's WiFi parameters and OTI password
  • Ensure that the pin configurations for temperature sensors and relay control match your wiring
  • Connect your assembled device to your Windows machine via USB
  • Open the Windows Command Prompt, navigate to the “Runner” directory (using the “cd” command and the directory path). Enter the command “esphome hw_check.yaml run”

If the compilation is successful, the program will ask for the upload method (USB or OTI). Choose USB. ⇒ the code will be uploaded to the device via USB.

!! If the upload fails, make sure that the USB driver for WeMos_D1 is installed on your Windows machine.

After installing HW_check, check:

  • The relay clicks (0.5 sec ON every 5 sec)
  • The computer screen displays a log showing:
    • The device is connected to your home network
    • DS18B20 temperature sensor IDs - make a note of these, you will need them later - and the measured temperatures
  • Also, test the OTI update by entering “esphome mitsurunner.yaml run” again, but this time select OTI as the upload method.

ESPHome Installation Guide (Linux)

As a Linux user, you probably know how to find the instructions yourself on the internet ;)

Instructions for installing ESPHome: Check the other instructions above.

MitsuRunner Software Installation Guide

  • Download the Mitsurunner program from, select “CODE,” and then “Download ZIP”
    • ⇒ The packaged Mitsurunner package will downloaded to your machine
  • Extract the package to your desired directory (e.g., Runner)
  • Edit the secrets.yaml file
    • Define your WiFi network parameters “ssid” and “password”
    • Define Manual_ip settings:
      • static_ip: (the IP address your device will use to connect to your home network)
      • gateway: (the IP address through which your home network connects to the outside network)
      • You can find your home network's Gateway IP in the Windows Command Prompt using “ipconfig”
    • Define your desired OTA password
  • Edit the platform.yaml file:
    • Define the IDs of DS18B20 sensors (which you noted down when using the hw_check program)
    • Check and, if necessary, modify the pin definitions for temperature sensors and relay control to match your wiring
  • Compile and install the Mitsurunner code on your device with the command “esphome run mitsurunner.yaml”

Check: A log will be printed to the Windows screen showing:

  • That Mitsurunner is connected to your home network
  • the temperatures of DS18B20 temperature sensors
en/instructions_sw.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 19:08 by thingwizard

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